Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Hello World

Hello World

This blog is going to be for all things miniature. Mostly 12th scale, a fair chunk of playscale, and, from time to time, a cheeky dash of 1/3rd.

I've loved miniatures for as long as I can remember. My favourite book as a very youngling was 'Matilda Mouse's Shell House', where everything was tiny and pretty (and, er, made of shells).

Later there was a hobby shop in town which seemed magical, with all its tiny bits and bobs. My first dolls house was a birthday present made by my granddad, which I loved until it near fell apart. It's now keeping another little girl very happy, because I just don't have space for a house at the moment :(

...That hasn't stopped me collecting up as many minis as I can though, for the day when I do have some space and can build my dream house. Whilst in real life that might be a penthouse apartment, or a three story townhouse, or a castle, in the miniature world I want a replica of the mid century terrace of my childhood. Decorated in late 70s/early 80s fashion. Perhaps I got a little mixed up somewhere!

Heidi Ott doll playing soliders.

Borrowing somebody's dressing gown. (Daisy, maybe?)

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